Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ethical issues related to research questionnaires

Research interviews are considered to be one of the most important aspects related to research paper writing. The ability of the market research industry to continue to use sample surveys as sources of primary data depends upon the willingness of members of the public to give their time and cooperation to answer our questions. PhD thesis consultants working for different reputed firms put special emphasis on testing the questionnaires related to the research paper writing process. Through this post of mine I would be highlighting the ethical issues related to these research questionnaires.

Most of the potential respondents do not distinguish between market research and activities such as database marketing. Indeed in one study three quarters of respondents said that they could not distinguish between them. Many people lead busier lives than they used to or than their parents used to. Many genuinely have less time for non-rewarding activities such as market research. There are more market research studies than there used to be, and consequently many people are asked to participate in research surveys more often. Some markets are vey over-researched, particularly business-to-business and medical markets. Our demands on respondents have increased. Interviews have got longer and more tedious as demands for information from client management have increased. Many potential respondents have been bored by a market research interview once before, or know someone who has been, and are not prepared to go through the same tedium again.

Similar to Thesis Data Analysis, even conducting research interviews is considered to be one of the most important aspects of research paper writing. There is little that the questionnaire writer can do to free up more time in people’s lives or to prevent markets becoming over-researched. However, by treating respondents honestly, openly and respectfully when writing the questionnaire, the questionnaire writer can help to distinguish genuine market research from direct marketing. And by creating involving and interesting interviews, he or she can improve the standing of market research interviews. Potential respondents may then be more willing to participate in surveys in the future. Hope this post of mine would have surely helped you understand more about the research questionnaires.

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