Monday, 30 September 2013

Understanding the data collection

There is immense importance of data collection in the research methodology.  Usually the task of data collection is done by the students during the research work. In case of experimental thesis, the data will be gathered during the laboratory experiments. In case of the statistical research it could be collected as a part of the research work. The step of data collection is an important step and therefore, should be taken very seriously.

Data collection through surveys

Survey is an integral part of the research work. It is a descriptive method of research and usually non-experimental. It is used when the researchers can’t observe phenomena directly and still want to collect substantial data for that. It is better to do a survey and ask questions to various people. The data is gathered and analyzed on the basis of certain hypothesis and then, conclusion is drawn about the success or failure of the hypothesis. There is always a sample size selected for the survey and then, the questionnaire is distributed or personal interview is taken depending on the type of research.

a)    The questionnaire: They are pencil and paper instruments. The respondents are supposed to fill the answers and return to the person. The answers can be open-ended or close-ended; The open-ended questions give the flexibility of writing free flow while the close-ended questions will have to be selected from the given choices.

b)    Interview: It will be based on the personal interaction. Again it can be a closed-ended interview where the interviewer will give you multiple choices and you need to respond accordingly. For open-ended interviews, it will be given on the user’s discretion and it is analyzed and understood by the interviewer.

Methods of interview/questionnaire

a)    Written: This is the conventional method where the questions are given in the printed or handwritten form. The person is supposed to fill the paper and return to the interviewer. There are some advantages of this method. There is a permanent record of the material and you can refer it any time. However, it is tedious to maintain the huge pile of papers and it is wastage of valuable resources as well.

b)    Electronic: Nowadays people prefer this method and ask questions in the electronic form. There is space given on the electronic form in case it is an open-ended questionnaire. Also, there are multiple choices given in case of a closed-ended questionnaire.

Data collection is an important aspect and therefore, the researcher should be very particular about the quality of the same.